Hello there!

Your donations mean the world to us and provide a lifeline to many. Thank you for affording us the opportunity to help others in need.

Support our cause

Having access to basic tools is an essential need so few have

The road to success

We are on a mission to equip people in need with bicycles, a need many people take for granted. Imagine being unemployed, always on the move looking for work, and to make things worse, you don’t have transportation, no funds to get into a taxi, or to ask a friend or family member.

We are providing bicycles and funds so that people can go out there and find a job to help them live. We are literally helping them survive.

Global Donations Leaderboard

All donations will be reflected here if you’ve opted to be anonymous your information remains private


Marlene Hector

July 12, 2022

Amount Donated

James Jackson

July 12, 2022


Amount Donated

Warren Manuel

July 12, 2022

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


July 12, 2022

Amount Donated

Darren Stander

July 12, 2022

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


June 3, 2022

Amount Donated

Warren Manuel

June 3, 2022

Amount Donated

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